This fun Thelwell Activity Book is brilliant for Thelwell lovers. Keep excited youngsters busy with horse related puzzles and colouring With a wide variety of puzzles to complete and knowledge...
The 100th Anniversary Edition Publication152 x 203mm paperback A must have Christmas gift!Many years have passed since Penelope Rides Again was last widely available in print. Given that these highly...
This illustrated book covers training, conditioning, and competing in all three phases of events: dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. In addition, Dutton includes full chapters describing the special needs of...
Working over poles is the first stage in starting your horse to jump, as well as being the ideal way to train your horse to be obedient and supple in...
This is an innovative book where the authors have comprehensively combined their expertise, to produce a thought-provoking approach to coaching.Merging the knowledge of equestrian sport with commercial business management and...
While many training books have explained ways to progressively "desensitize horses in the arena, this new book from horsewoman Vanessa Bee Founder of the International Horse Agility Club and 3-Minute...
Laminitis is a painful and potentially devastating disease which originates in horses' feet. While many horses and ponies recover from an episode of laminitis uneventfully, it can end a horse's...
Mud fever is a serious and debilitating affliction to which horses are prone when they are pastured on ground that is poorly drained or excessively soft under foot. These conditions...
This book is an important guide to correct, safe and practical clothes for people involved with leisure riding, Pony Club activities, handling and grooming horses. Riding clothes, like all other sportswear,...
Based on the Stage 2 syllabus, this innovative workbook is designed to make revision entertaining yet effective. It allows you to test your knowledge against the requirements of this assessment and...
This 2013 edition of The BHS Training Manual for the PTT incorporating the UKCC Level 2 ISBN 978-1-905693-26-9, has been revised and expanded to cover the latest syllabus which now...