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breyerBased on real horses, these toys represent good value for any horse loving child. Always a best seller in store.
Hazel - The Chestnut Thoroughbred: Everyone thought Hazel would make a great racehorse. Everyone but Hazel! She found her true purpose when she discovered dressage.
(That’s like dancing for horses, and it can be tricky to learn.) Now Hazel and her rider have really found happiness practicing dressage throughout the week. Even though she is a chestnut, her rider fondly calls her “Hazelnut.”
Latte- The Light Palomino Thoroughbred: Latte’s playful nature makes him so easy to love. His beautiful light palomino coat helps him disappear into dusty fields for his very favourite game, Hide and Seek! But his funny nickering sounds give him away! (Horses nicker when they’re glad to see you.) Latte includes everyone in his games; he can’t wait to play with you.
Smokey- The Black Morgan: “Now entering the arena: that beautiful black Morgan and legendary dressage champion, Smokey. He follows his rider’s instructions in the most graceful and natural way!”
Smokey and his rider don’t get everything right at first, so they try and try again. Their motto is: “Everything is practice!”
Coco- The Friendliest Bay Morgan: Coco is one of the friendliest, and silliest horses in the Paddock, and a favourite of all the kids who come around to work, play and ride with their Pals. She often goes on adventures with a long-distance trail ride club. Many tales are told along the trail, and Coco is one of the best listeners around. This helps her make more Pals along the way!